Flints Moor, Soyland, Calderdale
Flints - From Ripponden head up to Cross Wells Road. There are a few roads that head up that way depending on how far into Ripponden you are. The road forks off to the left onto Blue Ball Road. Follow that road on for about a mile until you get to a house on your left with a road on the right which doubles back on yourself (Coal gate road). Turn right up this road and follow it along until you reach the windmills. At the first white windmill there’s a little lay by to pull into on the right and some styles leading onto the moor on your left with a little Forrest up the hill. Easy enough to navigate if you’ve only got one or two dogs with you. Or, if you have a lot of dogs or ones that will struggle over the styles, you can follow the road along until you pass a triangle pull over/turning spot on your right with some smaller black windmills. just after this the road turns to Greave Road and there is a big gate on the left, where the two roads meet, with a little spot (will fit 2/3cars) outside to park up. The gate leads straight onto the moor, just make sure you close it behind you! Once through the gate there’s a path going along the wall to your right or you can turn left straight away and head up the hill to explore. If you’ve got dogs that like to jump walls I’d recommend turning left as the wall along the path is quite low with barbed wire over the top, could be an accident waiting to happen with dogs who like to jump! But either way there’s plenty of moor to explore, just keep an eye on the time because you could easily lose track and spend all day up there! There are cows in the field next to the forest but it’s a very high wall so it shouldn't be a problem. There’s also signs of sheep being up on the moor at some point, I’m assuming probably in the summer months when it’s warmer up on the tops and don’t think it will be a problem in the colder autumn/winter months but something to be mindful of.
Steep Lane, Sowerby
Top of Steep Lane walk - type in Steep Lane or Aarons Wood Yard to find it on Google Maps. Always look this walk up on Google maps before you go to get an idea of where to go. It is made up of lots of unmade lanes and Bridlepaths - Moor Bottom Lane, Thackers Gate Lane, Culpans Road and Miry Lane. There is a section of moorland at the far end by Aarons Wood Yard and Aarons Campsite. There is also an old quarry at the end of Moor Bottom Road / Miry Lane where they filmed some of Gentleman Jack. There is a hidden sculpture garden created by locals and a small pond if you can find them! Beware of sheep, horses and cows at certain times of year. Easy to do 60-90 min walk, if not longer. Lovely walk with stunning views, popular with the locals!
Warley Moor Reservoir, Halifax
Walk by the Halifax Sailing Club - put in Halifax Sailing Club into Google Maps to find the location. Park up on Nab Water Lane where it starts/ends with Cold Edge Road at the end of the sailing club. The road is wide enough to park on, or there is a small lay-by that you can park in by a wooden stile. Just across the road there is a metal gate - follow the path down by the side of the reservoir and follow the old paths on to the moor. There is a path that goes round the reservoir but Yorkshire Water closed it a few years ago! You can still get round most of the reservoir from walking round this way. There is an old path that goes down to the Upper Dean and Lower Dean Reservoirs. There is also an old water way that you can follow that takes you all the way over to Pecket Well. Lovely stunning views. Beware of the odd roaming sheep on the moors, and sheep in the top fields by the road. They do shoot up here in shooting season so you may not be able to walk where you want to at this time of year. One of Olive's favourite weekend walks!
Nab Hill, Oxenhope
Nab Hill, Oxenhope - Part of The Stanza Stones - the nearest location is the Halifax Sailing Club on Google maps. Park up on Nab Water Lane where it starts/ends with Cold Edge Road at the end of the sailing club. The road is wide enough to park on, or there is a small lay-by that you can park in by a wooden stile. Go over the stile and follow the path up the hill. See if you can find The Mist Stone - a poem by John Armitage chiseled into the rock, part of the Stanza Stones series - see http://www.stanzastones.co.uk for more info. There are also several stone sculptures/structures to find and look at. There are loads of paths to follow and an old quarry to explore. Beware of the odd roaming sheep. You can walk all the way round the moor and down to Ogden Water. You can spend an hour or 6 up here very easily! We have found all but one of the stones. A brilliant walk with stunning views - another of Olive, Theo and Sophie's favourite weekend walks!
Stainland Recreation Ground, Stainland, Halifax
Stainland Recreation Ground - name brings up where it is on Google Maps. There are playing fields and meadows at the top and when you walk to the bottom there's a steep path down to a wooded area and rocks. Beware of sheep. Easy to do an hour’s walk.
Norland Moor, Halifax
Put in Norland Park to get to the main car park. There are also several lay-bys that you can park in, but I find it easier to drive a little further into the car park so it is safer for the dogs to get in and out of the car. This is a great walk and everybody goes here all the time, so you are likely to bump into someone from TLC walking their dogs. You can get here from West Vale, Stainland, Barkisland, Sowerby Bridge and Ripponden. Easiest way from Elland is to go to West Vale and take the road to Clay House. Keep driving up the hill on Rochdale Road till you see a sign for Turbury Equine Center - turn right just after the sign. Drive straight on Turbury Land and turn right onto Clough Road. Follow the road till you see the primary school straight ahead - slow down as you'll miss the turning - follow the road round to the left and there is a single track just after the house on the left - you can miss it as there are usually car's parked either side. Park up and follow one of the 2 paths up. There are loads of paths. You can just about get round in an hour if you put your foot down, or you can make up different walks by going on the different paths. There's also a small car park by The Moorcock Inn, but its near the road and dogs can run into the road. Beware of sheep and cows in some of the fields at certain times of the year. Dogs love it up here and also love meeting up with other dogs as its a very popular dog walking place. There's a pond and a small river to one side. Great walk!
Scammonden Reservoir, Halifax
Scammadon Reservoir / Water - name brings up where it is on Google maps. Not far from Drakes. Lovely walk and if you put your foot down you can do it in an hour or make it last two hours if you have a two hour walk. Pick up Saddleworth Road and drive past Ringstone Edge Reservoir. Drive on till you see a small wood on your right before the bridge that goes over the motorway. Turn left onto Scammadon Road which then morphs into Lower Road. Drive to the end and park up. Walk down the steep path and there's a tunnel that goes under the motorway. There is a path that goes all the way round.
Park Wood, Elland
The Woods around Park Wood Crematorium - put the Crem name into Google Maps to view the area. Easiest place to park is at the end of Plains Lane. There's a field at the bottom of the track on the right-hand side. Walk up the track and there will be several paths that take you into the woods. Very steep start but lovely woods and loads to explore. Can get muddy in places so best go when it's been dry for a bit. Do beware, it is law for dog to on lead in all parts of a Crematorium and they are banned in certain parts.
Cromwell Bottom Nature Reserve, Elland Wood Bottom
Cromwell Bottom Nature Reserve - put in the name for google map directions - the main car park is on Elland Wood Bottom. There are plenty of paths to explore and there is also the canal to walk on as well. It's very nice and has share and water for the summer months. You can also access it from the fields by Old Earth Primary School, go down the snicket to the large fields. Head over to the opposite side, go under the railway bridge and walk along the river to the Nature Reserve. Just be aware that some dogs are tempted to go up onto the railway line if there is a dead deer! There is also a lovely woodland walk here - there is a gate to a crossing over the railway track and then a lovely walk into the woods and up onto the moors above. Can get very muddy but makes a nice change especially in Spring when the bluebells are out. You must put the dogs on lead when you walk across the railway track.
North Dean Woods, West Vale, Elland
North Dean Woods - can be accessed from Clay House at West Vale and go all the way to Copley church. There is another little car park just opposite New Bank Garden Center, but I'm not so keen as its right next to the busy road. You can also park up at Copley Rugby Club Car Park and walk across the footbridge to the church, turn left and explore. Be aware there is a very muddy, stinky bog in the middle. You can also walk right before the footbridge along the river - there are a couple of nice 'beaches' that the swimming dogs love to go on. Follow the path all along to the canal - go under the railway bridge, past the Cricket Club, and there's a playing field and access to the river.
Roils Head, Halifax
Roils Head - put in West End Golf Club for the nearest landmark and drive up to the corner where there is a small farm to park. Lots of room for ball lovers and there's the woods at the bottom for the sniffers and shade. It's not that great in summer as there is no water, but you can easily do 2hour walks here by exploring the woods at the bottom and following the various paths and tracks around the area.
Beacon Hill, Bank Top, Halifax
Beacon Hill - put in Beacon Hill Halifax to get the right Beacon Hill in Google maps. You can park at several places - best is a small lay-by area at the end of Long Lane and Barrowclough Lane but they are unmade lanes. There is a better path at the top of Beacon Hill Road where it changes into Bank Top - follow the lane to the gate which is usually locked - you can turn right to go to a small playing field and follow your nose round to the left to get to the Beacon, or turn left and follow the high walls round and you come out on to the open side where the Beacon is and you can follow the path round to do a loop, ending up at the playing field. There are paths through the woods to explore and also a path that takes you down to Shibden Hall Lane. Great views. Very exposed. Not great in summer as there is no water or shade. Beware of cattle, llamas and horses in the fields. Just about do an hours walk.
Dixon Scar Woods, Sowerby Bridge
Dixon Scar (called Dixie Woods by the locals) - it is next to the Sowerby Bridge Cricket Club - park up by the Cemetery up Sowerby New Road, or by the demolition firm on Hollins Mill Lane - park up on the roadside next to the railings before it goes into a single car section, walk round the scrap yard on your left and over the footbridge. There's a playing field, meadows, woods, and river so something for every dog. You can walk up the service track to the top where the allotments are and the woods are in the middle. You can take a path that is next to the river to Tenterfields Business Park then walk along the canal back to the car if you want.
Ripponden Wood, Ripponden
The woods at Ripponden - landmark for directions is Ryburn United Juniors FC - park by the garages at the bottom of Kenworthy Lane. There is a playing field at the bottom and the river, then you can walk up to the top playing fields to the far end where there is a bin, and this takes you down a path into the woods along the river. There are loads of sections to investigate and the old railway line at the top. Brilliant in summer to keep the dogs cool.
Baitings Reservoir, Ripponden
Baitings Reservoir, Ripponden - name shows where it is on Google maps. There is a small car park near the dam wall or you can park on the back road by turning Baitings Gate Road which morphs into Back O' Th' Height'. Walk across the dam wall and turn right through a gate into the wooded area. There is a path that takes you along the reservoir to the end - you can either double back on yourself or put the dogs on-lead, walk across the bridge and then walk along the footpath on the other side back to the car. There are some off piste paths that you can explore. At certain times of the year you can walk across the dam and continue straight forward towards the farm house and follow the footpath signs, but there are sheep at certain times of year. There is a nice walk from Ryburn reservoir to Baitings reservoir. Great for swimmers and sniffers, and shade for hot sunny days.
Ryburn Reservoir, Ripponden
Ryburn Reservoir, Ripponden - name shows where it is on Google maps. There is a small car park on Swift Place off the A58. Smaller than Baitings reservoir but more woodland. Can get muddy in winter. Nice and shady in summer. From Sowerby Bridge go to Ripponden and bear right at the lights following the A58. Just after the 60 zone there’s a left turning onto Swift Place. Follow the lane down over the speed bumps and to the left there’s a little car park. There’s often sheep in the field by the car park so be careful with any off lead dogs. You can either go straight over the bridge or down the path to the left of the bridge (depends if you want to climb back up the hill). If you go to the path at the right there’s a few little paths to explore but only one leads up to the reservoir. Follow it right down and straight across and up the zig zag path back up the hill. You come out at the same point as if you just walked across the bridge (but it’s more scenic and takes a bit more time). Over the bridge you can turn left and there’s some little paths to explore up the hill and back down, they’re not marked so depending on time of year may be hard to spot. Normally doing a circuit on these paths takes about 15/20 mins so then follow the main path to the right of the bridge and explore some more to fill up the hour. If you turn right at the bridge and follow the main path along the side of the reservoir, past the picnic benches you come to another small bridge on your right. If you go over there the dogs can go for a swim or a paddle in the res. I tend to play ball or throw stones in for 10 minutes if I have swimmers. Be careful if you follow the path up the hill as there’s often sheep in the field at the top. There’s no complete way around without going through the sheep fields and it would take a lot longer than an hour so I turn back over the bridge and head back up the path. If you don’t go over the small bridge and follow the path up there’s another little path to the right to explore, again there can be sheep in the surrounding fields so be careful! There’s loads of little paths to explore, but no full circuit on this walk so there’s a lot of going back and forth on yourself to explore them all and fill up the hour. I tend to switch it up every time I go. There’s also a lot of surrounding fields which sometimes have sheep but they seem pretty secure so as long as the dogs have good recall and don’t disappear they’re not a problem!
Mill Fold Park, Ripponden
Mill Fold Park and River walk, Ripponden - Park up at either the car park on Mill Fold Way off Elland Road at the bottom of the dip, or at the Cinnamon Lounge. From the park walk along Mill Fold Way and follow it on to the river path and it takes you to the Cinnamon Lounge. Or park at the Cinnamon Lounge - there's a small parking area just as you turn into Holme House Lane. Walk along the footpath - it has a small sign post. There is also a section of the old railway line to explore.
Mill Pond Walk, Rishworth
Mill pond walk - Heathfield Junior School is the nearest landmark that will show on Google maps. Turn off the A672 on to Rishworth Mill Lane, drive past the mill conversion on your left and on the very tight bend there is a small lay-by you can park in. From here take the footpath that goes along the Mill pond and along the river. Beware the mill pond is very stinky! You can walk along the river for quite some way, but have sturdy footwear as it is rocky in places. There is also a path that takes you up into the woods at the top. Great for summer - water and shade. Can just about stretch it into an hour walk if you go off piste right to the top on the left hand side - great for sniffers.
Jerusalem Farm, Wade Wood, Halifax
Jerusalem Farm, Jerusalem Lane, Booth - small car park, very nice walk - woods, river, large grass area (this is used for camping in the summer and no dogs allowed - dogs allowed at other times). Can go off piste and walk along the river through the fields on the footpath. Watch out for sheep during spring and summer.
Playing fields and a meadow by Moderna Way Business Park at Mytholmroyd next to the river and canal.
Route 66 cycle and footpath - park up at in the church car park on Cragg Road next to the railway station. You can do a circular route round the canal/river and along a cycle path which is about an hour to 90 mins long. Good for sniffers.
Ogden Water Country Park, Ogden, Halifax
Ogden Water - put in Ogden Water Car Park for directions in Google Maps. Turn off the A629 Keighley Road onto Ogden Lane (narrow single lane) by The Causeway Foot pub/restaurant. Plenty of parking but can get very busy at weekends and bank holidays. Very popular with families to feed the ducks so be mindful to keep dogs on leads in certain areas if they are likely to annoy people or the ducks. There is a path that goes all the way round the reservoir and there are paths that go into the woods to explore. You can even walk up onto the moors if you want to stay out for a few hours.
Larger Parks that are good for an hours walk:
Shibden Park, Shibden, Halifax
Shibden Park - Shibden Park, Godley Lane, Halifax shows up on Google Maps. The main car park by the cafe costs £1 for a short stay. Or you can road side park on Shibden Hall Road, there is a Pay car park there too with a Nature reserve and trail on the other side of Shibden Hall Road leading upto Beacon Hill. At Shibden Park, there is a boating lake, miniature railway and children's play area. There are always lots of people here - more so after Anne Lister of Shibden Hall became famous from the TV show Gentleman Jack, so be mindful of others and dogs jumping up at people and dogs that like to chase birds as there are always a lot on the boating lake. There are plenty of areas to explore and a path that goes up to the top of the estate which not many people go on, which is good for dog walks. It is very steep but out of the way.
Shroggs Park, Lee Mount, Halifax
Shroggs Park - no entry on Google Maps - the nearest landmarks are Lee Mount Primary School and Park View Nursing Home. The main entrance is at the junction of Lee Mount Road and St Georges Road. There is also a small entrance on St Georges Road. It's an enclosed area with railings, so it's good for dog walks. A few small areas of grass, several paths and some woods to explore. Can make it last for an hour.
Beechwood Park and Nature Reserve, Holmfield
Beechwood Park - put in Beechwood Park, Brickfield Lane, Halifax HX2 9AZ to find it on Google maps. Turn off Shay Lane into Heathy Lane and follow the road till you get to the car park. Very large park that can easily do an hour walk in. Lots of grassy areas and wooded areas to explore. One of the best parks in Calderdale!
A list of parks in Elland and Halifax area that are good for 30min walks or puppy walks:
Warley Park - park in the small car park by the chapel/church. Large area of grass and playing fields at the top - good for ball chasers. No water or shade for summer walks.
Manor Heath Park - great for squirrel chasers. Lots of children and people in summer eating picnics. Several entrances that are open so not good for dogs with poor recall. Nice walk around the edge under trees.
Savile Park - large grass area with playing fields. Surrounded by roads so dogs must have good recall or be on a lead walk.
Crow Wood Park - good for sniffers and ball chasers. Quite large.
Beech Park - quite small.
Holmes Park, Luddendenfoot - next to the canal, wooded area at the back with paths, playing field.
Stoney Wood Cemetery, Siddal - lots of trees so cool in summer. Lots of roads to walk on. Path along the top next to fields.
Hullen Edge Park, top of Elland - quite large, good for ball chasers.
Clay House Park, West Vale - small but is next to the path that goes into the woods.
Ovenden Park -
Elland - there's a small park / nature reserve off Broad Lea housing estate
There's also the canal which is great for dogs that love to sniff and older dogs - loads of places to park up and get on to the canal path.
Walks in the Brighouse Area that you might want to try:
Judy Woods, Norwood Green, Halifax/Bradford
Judy Woods - type in Judy Woods, Halifax, HX3 8QZ in Google maps. You can get here from A641 Huddersfield Road or from Norwood Green - turn off the A58 onto Rookes Lane. Drive to the junction in the middle of Norwood Green and turn right on to Station Road. Follow the road and park up by the entrance on Station Road. There is a kissing gate, bin and notice board at the main entrance. There is another smaller path further up the road nearer to Norwood Green. There are plenty of paths to explore and Royads Hall Beck and Blackshaw Beck run through the woods which are nice for the dogs to keep cool in in summer. If you follow the main path up you will come to a railing and an unmade lane. Turn left and walk down the steps, go though the gap in the wall, across the lane and through another gap to go into the top section of the woods. There are also other ways to get into the woods but they can get very muddy at certain times of year. You can easily spend 2 hours here exploring the paths. Nice to go off piste too and go to unexplored areas. Be mindful that in the school holidays and summer there are lots of families and children. Squirrel chasers will love it here. During the week there can be several other dog walkers here as well.
Wellholme Park, Brighouse
Wellholme Park - not far from the large Tesco Superstore and the Police Station in Brighouse. Put in Wellholme Park, Bradford Road, Brighouse in Google Maps. Best place to park - turn off Bradford Road into Thornhills Beck Lane. Follow the lane down and drive through the fjord. You will see a car park on the right as you get to the other side of the fjord. This is a great walk - there are woods at the top for shade and the sniffers, a large grassy area at the bottom for ball chasers and Thornhill Beck for cooling down in the summer - there are also a couple of areas that are deep enough for the swimmers. Be mind full that the beck can get very high and fast after lots of rain. There are picnic benches at the far end near Tesco, so be mindful in summer when people are eating! Dog people tend to walk on this side of the park - there is another side across the river where non dog people tend to stay - this side is also nearer the main road and there are several places where dogs can run out onto the road, so it's best to stay on the far side. There are two foot bridges to walk across the river from one side to the other.
Bradley Wood, Brighouse
The Woods at Bradley Bar - no entry for Google Maps. Easiest way I have got to these woods is to drive to Bradley Bar roundabout. Take the turn off for the A6107 Bradley Road and drive towards Bradley and Leeds Road. Drive past All Saints Catholic College on the right. You will soon come to a set of traffic lights - turn right in to the Business Park on Dyson Wood Way. Follow the road to the end where FMG is and park up. Where the paved path goes across the road there is a metal railing and a path - it is called Old Lane on Google maps - that goes down the side of FMG. Follow this path into the woods. There are several paths that you can explore. The best section of the woods, in my opinion, is further down - follow Old Lane down past the farm house and buildings on your left. Old Lane turns into Wiggan Lane. Just before the houses there is a path to the left - follow this path into the bottom section and explore! There is a beck that runs along the back of the houses for dogs to cool down in summer. Follow the paths around. Where the picnic bench is in the middle you can turn off into the far end of the woods and explore in here as well. A great walk!
Shelf Hall Park, Shelf, Halifax/Bradford
Shelf Park - Turn off A6036 Halifax Road into Bridle Stile, a narrow lane that goes down to a car park area on the left hand side. There is a large grassy area at the top for ball chasers and woods to explore for the sniffers. Wood Fall Beck runs through the woods for dogs to cool down in summer. Be mindful of sheep in the surrounding fields at certain times of the year
Other areas of interest:-
Top of Cragg Vale -
Across the Road from The White House Pub -
Shooting Lodge - top of Pecket Well -
Bronte's House -
Castle Carr, Luddenden -
Bridge over the M62 -