Play Dates Socialise your dog early and often. Puppies and even adult dogs need to be exposed to new places, noises, people, and other animals. As soon as your puppy is immunized, they should be given regular opportunities to socialize and have new experiences. This will go a long way toward curbing fear-based, unfriendly behaviour toward other dogs and timid behaviour.
Checking the pee-mail. Lead your dog on walks rather than the other way around. If they have not been out to relieve themselves for a while, let them toilet once, then make two-thirds of each walk about keeping a good pace, with your dog moving beside you. When you feel it is time allow them to sniff and dawdle during the other one-third of your walk.
Setting up a session to succeed. Ensure your dog has an empty stomach to train so those treats seem all the more enticing. Do not try to train a dog that has been in the house all day without removing some of the energy first and letting them relieve themselves. To do training sessions, you need to have removed the surplus energy, but not have them too tired to concentrate. Ensure that where you are training is free from distractions
Get the most out of your training. Make training sessions short and fun. Stay calm and upbeat, and spend no more than 15 minutes per session to ensure neither of you get overwhelmed, frustrated, distracted or tired. And do not move onto the next command until the one you are working on is masters. Always end on a good note, even if it means going back to something basic you know they can do such as “sit”.
I will say this only once! When you give a command, say it only once. Repeating a command over and over tells your dog you really didn’t mean what you said the first time, and therefore they really do not need to respond to your command immediately.
Correction When correcting an undesirable behaviour, it should be done firmly, but not angrily. Praise enthusiastically when they do it right, and repeat the exercise two or three more times right away to reinforce the right action. Do not punish your dog, all you will teach is you are to be frightened of.
I'm watching you Your dog will read you better than you can read them. Your dog picks up on the tone and volume of your voice and your body language, and can sense when you’re feeling frustrated or angry. As soon as your dog feels anxious about your mood, all positive training opportunities cease.
Always be consistent. Be consistent in the words you use to train your dog. Repeat the same command and actions for a particular behaviour you desire and don’t mix up words. For example, to get your dog to lie down, pick a one-word command like “Down” and stick with it. Don’t say “Down” some of the time, “sit down” at other times, then use “sit” to make them sit and “down” to get off the sofa, all very confusing! Also be consistent in what you ask of your dog. If you don’t want them on the chair, be consistent about not letting them on the chair. Don’t allow them up there some of the time or even occasionally. It is not unfair to set reasonable boundaries for your dog, but it IS unfair to confuse them by constantly changing the rules they are expected to live by.
Teach yourself As hard as it is to believe at times, your beautiful dog does not think like you. They are not complicated, but very black and white, and live in the moment. Do not treat your dog like a person, they are happy being a dog and should be allowed to be one.
Reward good behaviour. If your dog is always well behaved does not mean it should miss out on acknowledgment. A reward for good behaviour or reacting to a command, a game, enthusiastic “well done” or small treats keep the behaviour reinforces and teach them what happens when you like their behaviour.